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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hello all! I realize this information is long over due and I am sorry. I want to first let you know that I apologize for the extraordinarily (even for me) long wait. I know it is ridiculous and many of you have told me so! :o) I had a large BOGO sale and then the Candy Box which put me dreadfully behind. The orders I received for the BOGO alone should have made me pause...but no, I had to go and do the Candy Box because I thought it would be fun. I am not sure what I was thinking at that point because it was so NOT fun! LOL...I then needed to take an exam for my Master's degree and find a job in my field. This all took more time than I thought it would.

I am now working at North County Solutions for Change. You can view the website
here. I love what I do very much. I just started within the last 3 weeks so it has taken a lot of my time and energy which resulted in a further delay of your orders. I am sorry for this. Many have asked for refunds and I have processed quite a few. Many products are already scented and ready to go and need to be shipped. I am hoping to get these finished over the weekend of the March 15. I want you all to know I am doing the best I can to get the rest of them done. I have not answered all the emails I received due to lack of time or a definitive answer about exactly when each and every order would be shipped. Please forgive me!
With all this said, I have given a lot of thought to the future of The Body Dessert Shop and how I will manage this business. I have thought of closing because I certainly can't have people angry at me all the time for my lack of customer service and slow turn around times. I have thought about making premade products and a custom product order option with a 3-4 week turnaround time. I am not sure what I will be doing at this time. I will keep you updated. Please keep in mind that these are not excuses but an explanation as to why your orders were delayed. Many customers told me they just wanted to know what was going on and so I thought I would update this blog and let you know.
If you want a refund I can certainly do this IF the products you ordered are not scented and ready to go already, which is the case for about 30 or so orders. This orders take time to process to get ready to ship. Please contact me and I will do my best to let you know the status of your order if I have not already. I will be home tomorrow afternoon from about 1-5. I work most Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Please contact me at so I can check my email from work.
Thank you very much for your understanding and patience. I do appreciate all of you and your business!

Colleen :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Colleen- this is Lorra- Congrats on your new job! Success can be a double edged sword I guess, can't it? I for one, would hate to see you close your business. I absolutely love the variations on fragrances that you do - Pink Delicious, Pink Christmas, Blue Sugar, Sugar Star... just to name a few (and I haven't even started on the cake fragrances)... I have absolutely no problem waiting for those fragrances because I can't find them anywhere else! As long as I know my order hasn't been lost and that it will be shipped when it is finished... then I am fine with that!